
The I and the Not I

New personal work, August 2016.

I've been doing some re-reading of my graduate school research materials. Here is an influence and a new image in response. 

The 'I' and the 'Not-I': A Study in the Development of Consciousness


Walker Evans was a "Punk Rock" photographic visionary.

"In stylistic terms, Evan's photography is a series of negations. It is unenbellished, unvarnished and unpretentious. It eschews any atmospheric effects and most of the niceties of traditional composition. Often, in photographs of buildings as well as portraits, the subject is seen head on, in the hard light of midday sun, directly at eye level. As a result, Evan's subjects achieve a clarity, solidity and presence. While plainly temporal, they appear as if they existed outside of time."
- Andy Grundberg 

The Machine and the Garden


Artwork commission sketch, 3/30/2016

This is a "close-to-final" sketch for a permanent art commission in the lobby of a building in Boston's South End. During the research stage I was told about the "lost New York streets" of Boston. There is a link to a Boston Globe article in the comments. #boston #artcommission #southend